
umekichi @umekichkun 20時間前


桑ちゃん @namiekuwabara 29分前
返信先: @namiekuwabaraさん


異邦人 @Medicis1917 19時間前


4-Sea 太平洋が死んだ311に黙祷を @4_Sea_

山梨の水道水を飲ませていた小鳥達が急性心不全の様な症状で死亡との話が 恐怖! 日本は今、◆心不全パンデミック◆ by 心不全学会 「東北大震災後に増加」 4-Sea まとめ

ひがしまる @Higashimaru 13時間前


ベクレーヌ八千代 @bqn_yachiyo3 12時間前

自分も今年初めて街中でいきなり面識ない中年女性に「何見てんだよブス!!」と凄まれた(見てないけど) おかしな言動を繰り返しながら生活してる方が全国的に増えているのだろうか...

Sam Kim 김혜성認証済みアカウント @samkimasia 22時間前

BREAKING: North Korea may fire an ICBM at a normal angle for a longer flight on Sept. 9, South Korea's prime minister says

志葉玲認証済みアカウント @reishiva 12時間前


Luly.Loui (Non GMO) @suriya144 9月6日

東南アジアのとある”オーガニック”農園内で、突如目の痛みとくしゃみ、頭痛。殺虫剤と日本の有機肥料撒いてた。翌日にはこれでもかというほど濃ゆい痰。 農業、こわい。 しかもオーガニックの認証おりちゃえばいいだって思ってる酷い農園主もいるそうだ。リアルを見た。

片岡龍峰 @ryuhokataoka 1時間前

いま地球は第一波フラックスロープの南向き磁場(-10 nT)に入りつつあるようで、これから、まあまあの磁気嵐に発達するかもしれません。第二波については、なんだか太陽プロトンの変化が不思議で不気味です。

Ns.v(・ω・)v @kasumigyoi 23時間前

・漂白剤を使った日は1日中奇声・多動の子が新聞チラシの匂いを嗅ぐと急におとなしくなり、倒れる・蛍光色のTシャツを着ると多動に・柔軟剤を使った衣類を着ると目が合わなくなる 問題行動は「匂い」に反応と判明 化学的な「匂い」は脳への影響度が高く、言動や行動に影響がでる

ポピュリスト監視で委員会 @tonden2 16時間前

新生児の命を守る保育器さえ買えないという資金難の大阪府。維新が8年間やった結果がこれ。「停滞か、成長か」なんて言ってる場合か?なのにさらにカジノとか万博とか。狂ってる。:大阪府 母子医療センターが保育器クラウドファンディング

りえし @riesea 9月6日


尾形総一郎 @ogatasouitiro 16時間前


WikiLeaks認証済みアカウント @wikileaks 6時間前

Leaked emails reveal how the Obama administration exacerbated North Korean regime change fears

Happy @cooky_happy3chm 8時間前

とつぜん失礼します 今日こんな情報が入り驚いていますその他『安倍の母、安倍洋子も北海道で霊園スキャンダル』 ⇒ さんから知っていましたか?


[ウラジオストク 7日 ロイター] - 韓国の文在寅(ムン・ジェイン)大統領は7日、北朝鮮が核実験を行って以降、朝鮮半島の緊張が大幅に高まっているが、朝鮮半島で戦争が起きることはないとの認識を示した。







Florida shutting down its 2 nuclear plants ahead of Hurricane Irma

While Governor Rick Scott said Florida’s two nuclear power plants will be shutdown before Hurricane Irma hits, little has been said about over a dozen chemical plants around the state, many of which manufacture highly combustible fertilizer.

I have been talking to Florida Power & Light, which owns these,” Scott told CNN on Thursday, when asked about the power plants, “and they will both be shut down.”

One of the plants, St. Lucie, is on Hutchinson Island, about 55 miles (88km) north of West Palm Beach. Its two reactors generate 2,000 megawatts of electricity, enough to power more than 1 million homes.

Turkey Point nuclear power station is located on the Biscayne Bay, about 24 miles from Miami. Its two reactors generate about 1,600 megawatts of electricity, or enough for about 900,000 homes.

“It is about a thirty hour process, as soon as the Category 1 winds start,” Scott said. “We have evacuation routes opened for people to get out and get back to them. But they will be completely shut down before the storm hits. They will not be re-open until afterwards.”

The St. Lucie plant has already weathered powerful storms, like Hurricane Frances in 2004 and Wilma the year after.

Turkey Point withstood 1992’s Hurricane Andrew, a Category 4 storm and one of the strongest the country has experienced. The plant sustained $90 million in damages and had to run on backup generators for more than five days, however.

Its access road was blocked, communication systems shut down, and fire protection system damaged. The exhaust stack of one of its oil-powered units cracked. The reactors, shielded by six feet of steel-reinforced concrete and 20 feet above ocean level, remained unscathed. No radioactive material leaked, according to the Federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The trajectory of Hurricane Irma, a Category 5 storm with winds of 185 miles per hour (295 km/h), is uncertain but the US National Hurricane Center described it as the strongest Atlantic storm on record. The hurricane is currently passing the Dominican Republic.

The shutdown of St. Lucie and Turkey Point goes a long way to assuage fears of an incident similar to Fukushima Dai-ichi, a power plant in Japan that suffered a reactor meltdown after the March 2011 tsunami.

There has been no official word, however, on whether chemical companies dotting Florida have taken any steps to prevent a repeat of last week’s events in Crosby, Texas.

Flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey knocked out refrigeration units that were cooling chemicals stored at eight tanks at the Arkema plant in this Houston suburb. As the tanks heated up, the chemicals inside caught fire and exploded. Fifteen first responders were treated for smoke inhalation.

A dozen chemical companies are located in Florida, near Miami, Tampa and Orlando, including Gold Coast Chemical Products, Gator Chemicals, Florida Chemical Supply and Thatcher Chemicals of Florida.

Fertilizer manufacturer Helena Chemical Co has several locations in the state. RT requested a comment from its Tennessee headquarters about any precautions the company was taking, but has not received a response.

Bell Chem makes the bleaching agent sodium hypochlorite at a plant in Longwood, just north of Orlando. While the compound itself is not combustible, it is a strong oxidizer and combustible for other substances. Calls made to the plant were not returned.

FAR Chemical, located on the coast in Palm Bay, manufactures a number of chemical compounds. Florida Crystals, about 75 miles northwest of Miami, manufactures sugar, which can be combustible under the right conditions.

While there are no large chemical plants in Palm Beach County, Delray Beach Fire Rescue said the department always prepares for the worst.

We’re constantly training for what might happen, but we really won’t know what exactly we’re going to do until something happens,” Captain Kevin Saxton told WPEC.

“I think we would be prepared. We do have a special operations team and hazardous materials. We have a bunch of other resources that we can call in,” Saxton said.

He said a large scale explosion would require help from multiple agencies, and the first thing they do is get people away from the hazard.


‘Helping sense of unease’: Japan runs anti-missile drills over N. Korea launches

For the second time in its history, Japan has carried out a series of anti-missile drills at a US airbase in the northern Tohoku region, as tensions mount with North Korea’s missile and nuclear weapons program.

A crew of thirty set up a Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missile interceptor system capable of intercepting short- and medium-range missiles at Misawa Air Base, Aomori Prefecture, on Thursday. The aims of the exercise were to boost US-Japanese co-operation, and to ready the military for any potential attack by North Korea.

Citing “successful missile launch in North Korea,” sub-base commander Yoshichika Kawahiro told RT’s Ruptly video agency that the purpose of the drills was to improve the operation of interceptor missiles and tactics of the Air Self-Defense Force, as well as cooperation with the US Armed Forces.

"An additional reason why we are announcing the training of PAC-3 is to be able to help with the sense of unease among Japanese citizens."

According to Kawahiro, the PAC-3 set-up took about 20 minutes to complete.

This is just the second time that  Japan has carried out missile interception drills. The first were held at the end of August at the Iwakuni airbase in Yamaguchi and the Yokota Air Base in western Tokyo, only hours before a North Korean missile passed over the northern island of Hokkaido.

Japan is on high alert after a series of North Korean missile and nuclear tests, including the one which passed over its territory. On Sunday, Pyongyang reportedly tested a hydrogen bomb, its most powerful weapon to date, estimated to be over ten times the size of the bombs dropped on Japan in 1945.

So far, Japan is the only country to have had two atomic bombs detonate in its territory as an act of war. On August 6, 1945, an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first deployed nuclear weapon over the city of Hiroshima, southern Japan, killing some 80,000 people and obliterating 90 percent of the city. This was followed three days later by another bomb dropped on the city of Nagasaki, which killed another 40,000 people. The US has justified the horrific civilian toll by saying the bombings led to Japan’s surrender and the end of the Second World War.